我的家乡和广州的区别 The Differences between My Hometown and Guangzhou

日期:2022-07-29 19:52 作者:梁宇

投稿作者:梁宇 Jason



My hometown and Guangzhou are different in many ways. Firstly, people in Guangzhou speak several languages. For example, local citizens speak Cantonese, and the immigrants speak Mandarin. And there are many foreigners and oversea people living in Guangzhou. They mainly speak English. Once I traveled in Guangzhou, I found it a little difficult to understand Cantonese. Thus I tried to communicate with them in Mandarin. Sometimes when I met some foreigners, I also chatted with them in English. However, people in my hometown always speak local dialect.

家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡和广州在很多方面都不一样。首先,广州人会说几种语言。例如,当地居民说广东话,移居者说普通话。还有很多外国人和海外人士住在广州,主要说英语。有一次我去广州旅游,我发现我听不懂广东话。于是我试着用普通话和他们交流。有时当我遇到一些外国人,我也用英语和他们聊天。然而,在家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡大家都是说方言。

Secondly, people in my hometown are selfish, because they only care about their own benefits. But people in Guangzhou are much more generous. They are willing to help others when people are in trouble.


Thirdly, Guangzhou is in the south of China. With Pearl River running across the city, Guangzhou enjoys a warm and wet climate. While my hometown is deep in the mountains, and the weather is so changeable. Sometimes it's as cold as winter, and sometimes it's as hot as summer in a day, which make me feel so irritated.

第三,广州位于中国的南部。珠江横穿而过,广州气候温暖湿润。而家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡在深山里,天气变化无常。有时一天内一会像冬天一样冷,一会像夏天一样热,这让我感到很烦恼。

Besides, the food in my hometown is too hot and spicy. But Cantonese food is much lighter. It's neither too salty nor too light.


Finally, the environment in my hometown is polluted seriously, because of the tail gas emitted by private cars. And the waste gas and water from factories is also a main cause of pollution. Nevertheless, in Guangzhou, trees and flowers are planted everywhere, which can fight against the pollutants and provide us with fresh air. So the sky is fairly clean and bright. We will feel pleasant when getting around in that city. That's why I get so tired of my hometown and how much I dream of living in Guangzhou!

最后,我家乡因为私家车排放的尾气而环境污染严重。来自工厂的废气和水也是污染的主要原因。然而,在广州,到处都种着树和花,它们可以对抗污染物,为我们提供新鲜的空气。所以天空是相当干净和明亮的。在那个城市里四处走走,我们都会感到愉悦。这就是为什么我厌倦了家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡而渴望住在广州的原因。

更新于:2022-07-29 19:52




