借钱是否对友谊有害?Does Borrowing Money do Harm to Friendship?

日期:2022-09-19 10:45

There is an old saying in china,“depends on neighbor at home, goes out depending on the friends” which meansfriend is very important to us. Except for listening to our gloomy, sharing happinesswith us, friend also the one who come forward to help us when we are introuble, as we are the same. However, many people think borrow money fromfriends will affect friendship, in my opinion, I think the idea is tooone-side.


If it’s fail to borrowmoney from friends, there will be suspicion between each other, which wouldbreak their friendship. Moreover, how do you know whether your friends canoffer you the money? He may beembarrassed to acknowledge he’s a little short of funds himself, or maybe the money he lends you maybe he just needs too. If succeedborrow money from friends, but can not return money to him on time, friends wouldbe in financial problem, which also will break friend’s relationship.


As the saying goes, has borrow has also,again borrow is not difficult, which suggest us keep good credit and returnfund in time, and then borrow money from friends would not hurt friendship.


更新于:2022-09-19 10:45




