- 2020-10-29捕捉春天的踪迹
- 2020-10-29自助游的好处 The Advantages of Independent Travel
- 2020-10-29我学会了什么
- 2020-10-29暑假补习班
- 2020-10-28父母和孩子间的沟通障碍The Communication Barrier Between Parents and Children
- 2020-10-28假如我有七十二变
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- 2020-10-28美丽的春天
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- 2020-10-28如果我是一棵小草
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- 2020-10-28大苹果 The Big Apple
- 2020-10-28秋天来了篇
- 2020-10-28多一点期待
- 2020-10-28电影能植入广告吗?Can Advertisements Be Showed In the Movie?
- 2020-10-28我的小乌龟
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- 2020-10-28我的优点
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- 2020-10-28一组日记
- 2020-10-28美丽的秋天
- 2020-10-28多种新年问候方式 Different Ways of Exchanging New Year Greetings
- 2020-10-28开心的一天日记
- 2020-10-28克服晕车 Overcame Carsickness
- 2020-10-28我家的“动物园”
- 2020-10-28上学路上的美景小练笔