裸婚合适吗? Is Naked Marriage Suitable?
What is the basis of a successful marriage? Is it the love or lifelong commitment between two people? Or do material possessions such as diamond ring, a big house or a car lead the main position? Today, we can see many naked marriage topic in the TV series, naked marriage means the couple getting married without material things. Most parents are object to naked marriage, I think naked marriage can be accepted.
成功婚姻的基础是什么?是爱或者是两个人之间的终身承诺?物质条件比如钻石戒指,一所大房子或者是一辆车子占据重要地位?今天,我们可以在电视上看到很多关于裸婚话题的电视剧,裸婚意味着情侣结婚时候没有考虑到物质方面的东西。大部分家长反对裸婚,我觉得裸婚是可以接受的。The term “naked marriage” was coined in recent years, it refers to a union of two people without considering material conditions. In Chinese tradition, when people married, the boy should give some dowries to the girl’s parents, what’s more, as the time goes by, nowadays, a house and a car seem to be the necessary things for the marriage. While as the pressure is so heavy to a marriage, somecouples make the brave choice, they choose to marry with abandoning the tradition, they don’t want the tradition becomes an obstacle of their love. Though most parents are not agreed with such idea, some open-minded parents have accepted the naked marriage. They think if they love each other deeply, they will fight for their future together.
Naked marriage is simple and easy, though it goes against the tradition, I will say that naked marriage is pure and holy.
更新于:2022-09-09 10:45相关文章
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