虎妈式教育还是羊妈式教育?Tiger Mother or Sheep Mother?

日期:2022-10-22 10:46

Inrecent years, “Tiger mother” has been a hot topic in our life. “Tiger mother”is a very strict mother who makes her children work particularly hard andrestricts their free time so that they continually achieve the highest grades.After that, the word “tiger mother” has been regarded as a synonym for a stricteducation mode.


However,the opposite method from Finland’s education system is also brought into publicfocus nowadays, which is called as “sheep mother”. People who advocate thiskind of education mode believe that education is a “service” and children are“customs”. Therefore, there are only general objectives but no concretesyllabus and teachers can use any methods as long as most children can reachthe goals. It got this name because people thought that children who are underthis mode felt like herding sheep.


Facingwith two kinds of different education modes, people meet with the problem whenteaching their children. As far as I am concerned, both of them have someadvantages and disadvantages. Thus, parents have to combine their advantageswith their children’s special conditions so that they can adjust their concretestrategies to teach their children. As the saying goes, “all things in theirbeing are good for something”, parents should be confident of their ownchildren no matter which education mode they adopt.


更新于:2022-10-22 10:46




